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In the framework of the continuous efforts of the University College of Iraq to train its teaching cadres, and to achieve international standards and meet the requirements of the ministry on the quality of scientific laboratories, each of the teaching Dr. Sinan Ghassan and assistant researcher engineer Reham Abdel Wahab and accountant Caesar Najm Abboud on international certificates from the company Aratec International Standard 17025 and the certificate of Osha safety and the certificate of internal auditor and head of auditors after entering specialized courses and advanced in this direction.

Dr Ali Ahmed head of computer technology engineering department; explained  “These courses are very important to achieve good laboratory standards and lead to achieving the concept of the quality of educational laboratories,”. International Accreditation.
At the certification ceremony, ARATEC presented a lecture on “Labor Market Requirements” and how to develop graduates to cope with the requirements of the labor market to serve our dear Iraq.

The ceremony was attended by Prof. Abdul Hadi Hassani and a number of professors and staff of the college.

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