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Under the patronage of Mr. Abdul Hadi Al-Hassani, the President of the University of Iraq, and under the supervision of Judge Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hassan, the Head of the Law Department, and in the presence of several academic figures, professors, staff, and college students, the Law Department held a virtual training court that simulates the practical reality of court proceedings in Iraq on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

Second-year students applied what they have learned from theoretical lessons in a practical manner, which impressed the judge with the high level of discipline and commitment demonstrated by the students during the application. This is in line with contemporary standards aimed at preparing and qualifying a distinguished generation in the legal professions to ensure the preservation of performance quality and integrity.

At the end of the session, the judge expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the President of the University of Iraq, Professor Abdul Hadi Al-Hassani, and the Dean’s assistants for administrative and academic affairs, as well as the heads of scientific departments and all the students for their attendance in this session. He wished them and all the students continuous success and prosperity in serving our dear Iraq.

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