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Students of the Communications Engineering Department Publish a Global Research

Iraq University College is proud to announce the outstanding achievement of students from the Communications Engineering Department (Mohammed Majid Al-Fraiji, Ali Abdul Kazem Al-Khashati, Haider Adnan Al-Jabir, Jabbar Diaa Al-Mousawi) who have published a global scientific research in the journal “Computer and Telecommunication Engineering”, shedding light on the architecture of 6G networks, under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Sharida.
✨ Research Details: The research discusses the modern technical aspects of 6G networks and how these advanced technologies can revolutionize the fields of communication and information. The research includes a comprehensive analysis of the advantages of the sixth generation and its potential applications in the future, positioning Iraq University College at the forefront of innovation and scientific development.
🌟 Significance of the Achievement: This achievement reflects the academic and research excellence of students in the Communications Engineering Department, enhancing the college’s reputation as a beacon of knowledge and science in Iraq.
📚 Invitation to Read: We invite all those interested in innovations and developments in the field of communications engineering to read this important research and learn about the exciting details it presents. For more information: [link]
👏 Appreciation: We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our dear students for their outstanding and continuous efforts in raising the college’s name high, and we wish them continued success and excellence. Professor Dr. Abdul Hadi Al-Hasani, President of Iraq University College, also extends his sincere thanks and appreciation for their efforts and creativity, reaffirming his continuous support for innovation and scientific research.
🏆 Previous Participation: It is worth mentioning that these students previously participated in the exhibition of scientific productions in information technology and artificial intelligence held at the Southern Technical University on Tuesday, 7/5/2024, where they demonstrated their excellence and creativity in the field of communications engineering.
We wish you continued brilliance and progress, and Iraq University College will always remain supportive of innovation and scientific research.
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