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The Department of Computer Technology Engineering at the University College of Iraq in cooperation with Wadi Al-Rafidain Cultural Association has established a seminar entitled (Using fingerprints to generate encryption keys used in the RSA algorithm) delivered by M. Osama Turki Rushd teaching at the College of Iraq attended by the head of the department d. Ali Ahmed and a number of college professors.

The seminar dealt with “the importance of the development taking place in computer networks and the process of exchanging sensitive information and data via a computer network or the Internet.

Turki explained during the seminar, “Cryptography has become a great importance for computer security and information transmitted over networks, as many cryptographic algorithms are available to secure the information,” indicating that “the security of this information depends on the confidentiality and preservation of the key for information encryption operations, because the more the key size will be security Stronger, but clearly it will not be possible for the user to remember many big keys.

“These days, biometric technologies are usually used to analyze human characteristics for security purposes. Five of the most common patterns of natural fingerprint identification that have been analyzed and traded for security purposes can be enumerated:

Hand print, eye print, Face print, Voice print. Biometric Cryptosystems combine encryption, fingerprints, or human features.

Stressing that “an algorithm basically depends on two types of keys (public key) and private key that was invented in 1977 as it supports encryption and digital signatures as the algorithm is relatively easy to understand and implement, as well as They are used in many security protocols such as (IP data security, transport data security, email security, terminal connection security, and many others).

On the part of “The participants expressed their thanks and gratitude to the Dean of the University College of Iraq, represented by Mr. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hadi Al-Hassani for establishing such useful seminars, always wishing our college to give more excellence and success

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