Scientific cooperation between the University College of Iraq and Chinese universities. March 14, 2021
Very important , Information form for students of the Computer Technologies Engineering and students of the Communication engineering March 4, 2021
The President of the University holds an expanded meeting with representatives of students of Iraq University College through the ZOOM application March 4, 2021
Visit of two delegations from the Ministry of Higher Education and the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate to the University of Iraq College March 3, 2021
جدول محا 2021/2020 الكورس األول نرصات المرحلة االوىل لقسم العلوم السياسية للعام الدرا February 26, 2021
The weekly schedule of practical and theoretical (electronic) lectures, Department of Computer Technologies Engineering 2020-2021 February 20, 2021
The Follow-up Division is carrying out a fogging campaign to prevent Corona virus at the University of Iraq College February 16, 2021
The registration unit at the University of Iraq College continues to receive our dear students and their parents January 30, 2021