Visit of a delegation from the University of Iraq to the Church of the Diocese of Basra December 23, 2021
The University of Basra and the University College of Iraq signed a twinning and joint cooperation agreement December 23, 2021
Scientific cooperation between the University College of Iraq and Chinese universities. March 14, 2021
College of Iraq University in cooperation with the Ministerial Team will hold the first virtual workshop on Thursday 14/5/2020 at 3:00 pm on the ZOOM program .. May 16, 2020
The University of Iraq College, in cooperation with the Ministerial Team, holds the first electronic virtual workshop May 13, 2020
مذكرة اتفاق MOA للتعاون العلمي والثقافي بين كلية العراق الجامعة وجامعة شيراز للتكنولوجيا July 31, 2019